It's been one of those weeks..

This is for my Grandfather who passed away last night. He was inspiring. Supportive. Caring. He did so much but was so humble. He concerned himself with others at his own expense. He would always always do the right thing. No matter what. He taught me to see beauty in so many things - and he loved his gadgets. He would have been so excited to play with all of the camera toys I've gotten to lately. 

Tell your parents. Tell your grandparents. Tell everyone around you. If you care about them, tell them. Life is so short. 

With photography you're capturing an instant and turning it into forever. You're able to manipulate the light and the focus to make it pretty, but take a second and remind yourself that it wouldn't be anything without you there with the people you're seeing it with. Don't take it for granted. See the colors. Smell the roses. Take it all in. Don't waste the days you've got because you really really don't know how many you've got left. 

I'll miss you Grampa. 
